Using Vocabulary Notebook and PAVE Strategies to Develop Al-Azhar EFL Secondary Stage Students' Vocabulary Learning and Retention

نوع المستند : مقالات أدبیة وتربویة


The current study aimed at developing vocabulary learning and retention of Al- Azhar secondary stage students by using PAVE and Vocabulary Notebook teaching strategies. It adopted a quasi-experimental design employing two groups; experimental and control. The design variables were measured by a Vocabulary Learning Test (VLT) and a Retention Test. The sample consisted of 62 first year female students of two Preparatory / Secondary Institutes for girls in Dakahliya Governorate. Instruments included a vocabulary learning test and a vocabulary retention test. Results revealed that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean score of the experimental and control group students on the post vocabulary test in favor of the experimental group. In addition, a statistically significant difference was found between the mean score of the experimental group pre and post vocabulary testing in favor of the post one. Finally, no statistically significant difference was found between the mean score of the experimental group post and retention vocabulary tests. These results showed that PAVE and Vocabulary Notebook strategies had a positive effect not only on the students' vocabulary learning but also on the students' vocabulary retention.
Keywords: PAVE Strategy, Vocabulary Notebook Strategy, Vocabulary Learning, Retention.

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