A hybrid learning-based program to develop history concepts for secondary stage students and their self-learning in north-eastern, nigeria

نوع المستند : مقالات أدبیة وتربویة



This study explored the effectiveness of hybrid learning-based program on the academic achievement of second year secondary school stage students in History and their self-learning in North-Eastern, Nigeria. The study adopted quasi experimental design with targeted population of  Secondary school stage II students studying History in public senior secondary school in North- eastern, Nigeria. Thus, the total number of 223 History students at secondary school stage formed the sample size from 6 intact classrooms, while 116 students served as experimental group from 6 intact classrooms and 107 students formed the control group. The instruments for the data collection were History Achievement Test (HAT) and Self-Learning Scale (SLS)The data of the research were analyzed statistically. The result showed that there is statistical significance  differences between the mean score of both experimental and control group on post administration of History achievement in favor to experimental group. The study recommended that the state governments in north eastern region of Nigeria and other international donor agencies should support public schools in the region to equip the schools with necessary facilities that can facilitate the adoption of hybrid learning-based program (HLBP) to make the teaching of history relatively ease and friendly to the learners.
Keywords: Hybrid Learning-based Program, History Concepts, Self-Learning

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