Using Augmented Reality Applications to Develop EFL Speaking Skills and Reduce Communication Apprehension of Primary Stage Pupils

نوع المستند : مقالات أدبیة وتربویة



The present research aimed at developing  primary stage pupils’ EFL speaking skills and reducing their communication apprehension through using a mobile augmented reality applications (MAR) treatment proposed by the researcher. The following instruments were constructed: a) a Speaking Skills checklist, b) a Speaking Skills test with a Scoring Rubric and c) a Communication Apprehension scale. The research adopted the quasi-experimental design using a pre-post two independent group design. Results of the reseach  revealed that the proposed augmented reality applications (MAR) treatment had a positive effect on developing primary pupils’ EFL speaking skills and reducing their communication apprehension. Finally, it was recommended that this MAR  applications treatment should be integrated in a "Speaking Course" that learners may study or participate in and it should receive  more attention from curriculum designers.
Keywords: EFL Speaking Skills, Communication Apprehension,  Mobile Augmented Reality Applications, Primary Stage Pupils.

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