"A Digital Developed Unit to Develop Students` Problem Solving Skill and Science Achievement of Primary Stage In Language Schools"

نوع المستند : مقالات أدبیة وتربویة



The general framework of the research

The introduction:

Today's world is witnessing many rapid changes in the fields of knowledge and the environment, and its effects have been reflected in various systems, primarily the education system. Education is the key pillar that contributes to the development of individual skills and the appropriate knowledge that enables them to cope with these changes.  The invasion of the Corona pandemic forced all educational institutions to change their strategies and seek alternative ways to continue their work (Alfaisal, 2020).
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the biggest disruption to education in history, having already had a near-universal impact on students and teachers around the world, from pre-primary to secondary schools, technical and vocational education and training institutions and universities, and in mid-April 2020, 94% of the world's 1 billion young people and children were affected by the pandemic, according to the UNESCO report. The CORONA pandemic has claimed the lives of millions of people, as the spread of the virus does not limit geographical boundaries, nationalities or religions, or doctrines of communities at the global level, or at the level of one state. This has forced the teaching community to consider new ways and alternative strategies to engage students in the education process, and in many higher education institutes it has turned to online education to ensure continuity of teaching and learning processes (UNECO, 2020-A).

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