This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using readers' theatre based program to develop some reading skills of EFL secondary school students and increase their motivation. The sample of the study consisted of 50 students from two classes of EFL secondary school in in quweisna, Menoufia governorate. They are divided into two groups, one group served as control group, the other served as an experimental group who received the readers' theatre program. The researcher designed a reading skills questionnaire, a pre- post reading test, a motivation scale as methods of collecting data. The results revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental and the control groups in favor of the experimental group. It also revealed the mean scores of the experimental group in the post application of the motivation scale was higher than the control group. These results emphasized the effectiveness of readers' theatre based program in developing EFL reading skills and motivation Key words: readers' theatre, reading, reading fluency, motivation
محمد, زينب حامد على. (2020). A Readers' Theatre Based Program to Improve the Reading Skills of EFL Secondary Stage Students and Motivation. مجلة کلية التربية بالمنصورة, 111(5), 137-155. doi: 10.21608/maed.2020.177600
زينب حامد على محمد. "A Readers' Theatre Based Program to Improve the Reading Skills of EFL Secondary Stage Students and Motivation", مجلة کلية التربية بالمنصورة, 111, 5, 2020, 137-155. doi: 10.21608/maed.2020.177600
محمد, زينب حامد على. (2020). 'A Readers' Theatre Based Program to Improve the Reading Skills of EFL Secondary Stage Students and Motivation', مجلة کلية التربية بالمنصورة, 111(5), pp. 137-155. doi: 10.21608/maed.2020.177600
محمد, زينب حامد على. A Readers' Theatre Based Program to Improve the Reading Skills of EFL Secondary Stage Students and Motivation. مجلة کلية التربية بالمنصورة, 2020; 111(5): 137-155. doi: 10.21608/maed.2020.177600